Thursday, June 7, 2012

Did You Know? 10 Items You Can Recycle

Most of us know we can recycle cans, bottles, paper and other common household items, but here are ten items you might not think about recycling.

1.  Hair...yes, hair.  In fact, did you know hair can be used in environmental cleanups after man caused disasters...think Exxon.

2.  Blue Jeans.  Sure, your good used jeans can go to Goodwill, but did you know there are companies out there that are making green insulation with old tattered blue jeans?  Check out  Green Jeans Insulation

3.  Wine...the bottles can be recycled, so can the corks, and if you happen to have some left over wine dump it on your compost pile!  The wine helps encourages the composting process.

4.  Cotton swabs (with cardboard stems), cotton balls, and even dryer lint can all go right on your compost pile.

5.  CRAYONS...yes, all those old broken crayons can be recycled and turned into new crayons.  Check out National Crayon Recycle Program 

6.  Surfboards!  Who would have thought, but it is true that even surfboards can be recycled.  Check out ReSurf Recycling 

7.   Your keys...and you can donate those keys to a good cause at Keys For Kindness

8.  Rechargeable Batteries-New York state has even passed a take back law requiring manufacturer take-back programs.

9.  Golf golfer, next time you see that lost ball out in the woods, or along the water's edge pick it up and recycle will even buy used golf balls in bulk.

10. Trophies...yes you can mail in your old trophies and have them recycled and reused.

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